| Episode 148: Excitebike and Up'n Down |
| Episode 145: Our Top Ten Consle Games |
| Episode 146: A Chat With Paul E. Niemeyer |
| Episode 145: Our Top Ten Consle Games |
| Episode 145, Part II: Citizens On Patrol |
| Episode 145, Part II: Citizens On Patrol |
| Episode 148: Excitebike and Up'n Down |
| Episode 146: A Chat With Paul E. Niemeyer |
1942 | Episode 57: Two Tigers and 1942 |
720º | Episode 114: 720º and Congo Bongo |
Adventures of Robby Roto!, The | Episode 34: The Adventures of Robby Roto! and Targ |
Aliens | Episode 81: Reactor and Aliens |
Amidar | Episode 132: Loco Motion and Amidar |
Anteater | Episode 78: Eyes and Anteater |
APB | Episode 75: APB and Super Pac-Man |
Arabian | Episode 47: Kangaroo and Arabian |
Arch Rivals | Episode 43: Track & Field and Arch Rivals |
Arkanoid | Episode 134: Port Man and Arkanoid |
Arm Wrestling | Episode 87: Arm Wrestling and SF-Hisplitter |
Armor Attack | Episode 149: Armor.. .. .. ..Attack and Major Havoc |
Assault | Episode 135: Assault and Vindicators |
Asteroids | Episode 10: Frogger and Asteroids |
Asteroids Deluxe | Episode 30: Super Zaxxon and Asteroids DeLuxe |
Astro Blaster | Episode 84: Astro Blaster and Avalanche |
Astro Fighter | Episode 140: Astro Invader (Redux) and Astro Fighter |
Astro Invader | Episode 115: Astro Invader and Space Zap |
Astro Invader | Episode 140: Astro Invader (Redux) and Astro Fighter |
Avalanche | Episode 84: Astro Blaster and Avalanche |
Bad Dudes Vs. DragonNinja | Episode 127: Bad Dudes Vs. DragonNinja and Zero Wing |
Bagman | Episode 39: Bagman and Sinistar |
Battlezone | Episode 68: Juno First and Battlezone |
Beavis and Butt-Head | Episode 31: Beavis and Butt-Head |
Berzerk | Episode 23: Elevator Action and Berzerk |
Black Widow | Episode 55: Centipede and Black Widow |
Blaster | Episode 99: Cloak & Dagger and Blaster |
Blasteroids | Episode 67: Buster Bros and Blasteroids |
Blueprint | Episode 107: Solar Fox and Blueprint |
Boot Camp | Episode 109: Boot Camp and G.I. Joe |
Bosconian | Episode 69: Gravitar and Bosconian |
Boulder Dash | Episode 90: Boulder Dash and Pigskin 621 A.D. |
Bubble Bobble | Episode 123: Bubble Bobble and Toypop |
Bubbles | Episode 54: Bubbles and Make Trax |
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom | Episode 85: Space Encounters and Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom |
Buggy Boy | Episode 144: Buggy Boy and X-Men |
Bump'n'Jump | Episode 112: Bump'n'Jump and Daytona USA |
BurgerTime | Episode 6: BurgerTime and Ms. Pac-Man |
Bust-A-Move | Episode 50: Bust-A-Move and Jungle Hunt |
Buster Bros | Episode 67: Buster Bros and Blasteroids |
Centipede | Episode 55: Centipede and Black Widow |
Chiller | Episode 117: Turkey Shoot and Chiller |
Circus | Episode 105: Warlords and Circus |
Cloak & Dagger | Episode 99: Cloak & Dagger and Blaster |
Columns | Episode 88: Columns and Tetris |
Commando | Episode 5: Commando and Terminator 2: Judgment Day |
Congo Bongo | Episode 114: 720º and Congo Bongo |
Contra | Episode 71: Contra and Ikari Warriors |
Cosmic Chasm | Episode 125: Pepper II and Cosmic Chasm |
Crater Raider | Episode 89: Q*bert's Qubes and Crater Raider |
Crazy Climber | Episode 18: Crazy Climber and Fix-It Felix Jr. |
Crossbow | Episode 59: Crossbow and Rip Off |
Crush Roller | Episode 54: Bubbles and Make Trax |
Crystal Castles | Episode 4: Klax and Crystal Castles |
Daytona USA | Episode 112: Bump'n'Jump and Daytona USA |
Defender | Episode 35: Robotron 2084 and Defender |
Dig Dug | Episode 44: Dig Dug and Pac-Mania |
Dig Dug II | Episode 129: Mr. Driller and Dig Dug II |
Discs of Tron | Episode 118: Discs of Tron and Mad Planets |
Do! Run Run | Episode 38: Do! Run Run and Timber |
Domino Man | Episode 86: Marble Madness and Domino Man |
Donkey Kong | Episode 1: Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong 3 |
Donkey Kong 3 | Episode 1: Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong 3 |
Donkey Kong Junior | Episode 13: Donkey Kong Junior and Gyruss |
Double Dragon | Episode 121: Double Dragon and Kung-Fu Master |
Dragon Spirit | Episode 98: Willow and Dragon Spirit |
Dragon's Lair | Episode 14: Dragon's Lair and Time Pilot |
Duck Hunt | Episode 56: a coupla Nintendo titles! |
Elevator Action | Episode 23: Elevator Action and Berzerk |
Empire Strikes Back, The | Episode 58: The Empire Strikes Back and Paperboy |
Escape From the Planet of the Robot Monsters | Episode 93: Xybots and Escape From the Planet of the Robot Monsters |
Exerion | Episode 136: Exerion and Fast Freddie |
Eyes | Episode 78: Eyes and Anteater |
Fast Freddie | Episode 136: Exerion and Fast Freddie |
Firefox | Episode 2: Zoo Keeper and Firefox |
Fix-It Felix Jr. | Episode 18: Crazy Climber and Fix-It Felix Jr. |
Flicky | Episode 147: Stocker and Flicky |
Food Fight | Episode 20: Tapper and Food Fight |
Frenzy | Episode 33: Frenzy and Scramble |
Frogger | Episode 10: Frogger and Asteroids |
Front Line | Episode 138: Front Line and SubRoc-3D |
G.I. Joe | Episode 109: Boot Camp and G.I. Joe |
Galaga | Episode 29: Galaga and Gradius |
Galaxian | Episode 65: Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator and Galaxian |
Gauntlet | Episode 53: Gauntlet and Pole Position |
Ghosts 'n Goblins | Episode 141: Ghosts 'n Goblins and Mosnter Bash |
Glob, The | Episode 108: Kick and The Glob |
Golden Axe | Episode 119: Hang-On and Golden Axe |
Gorf | Episode 37: Gorf and Professor Pac-Man |
Gradius | Episode 29: Galaga and Gradius |
Gravitar | Episode 69: Gravitar and Bosconian |
Guzzler | Episode 110: Guzzler and Munch Mobile |
Gyruss | Episode 13: Donkey Kong Junior and Gyruss |
Hang-On | Episode 119: Hang-On and Golden Axe |
Hard Drivin' | Episode 133: S.T.U.N. Runner and Hard Drivin' |
Head On 2 | Episode 101: Pac-Man Plus and Head On 2 |
High School Graffiti Mikie | Episode 122: Mikie and Name That Tune |
I, Robot | Episode 73: Turbo and I, Robot |
Ikari Warriors | Episode 71: Contra and Ikari Warriors |
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom | Episode 76: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and Return of the Jedi |
Join 'Em | Episode 142: Join 'Em and Phozon |
Journey | Episode 17: Revolution X and Journey |
Joust | Episode 8: Joust and Mario Bros. |
Jr. Pac-Man | Episode 22: Rally-X and Jr. Pac-Man |
Jungle Hunt | Episode 50: Bust-A-Move and Jungle Hunt |
Jungle King | Episode 50: Bust-A-Move and Jungle Hunt |
Juno First | Episode 68: Juno First and Battlezone |
Kangaroo | Episode 47: Kangaroo and Arabian |
Kick | Episode 108: Kick and The Glob |
Kick Man | Episode 108: Kick and The Glob |
Klax | Episode 4: Klax and Crystal Castles |
Krull | Episode 61: Krull and Q*bert |
Kung-Fu Master | Episode 121: Double Dragon and Kung-Fu Master |
Lady Bug | Episode 19: Pengo and Lady Bug |
Lady Killer | Episode 25: Puzznic, Lady Killer, and Miss World '96 Nude |
League Bowling | Episode 95: League Bowling and Punch-Out!! |
Legend of Kage, The | Episode 116: The Legend of Kage and Raiden |
Liberator | Episode 79: Liberator and Millipede |
Lock'n Chase | Episode 64: Lock'n Chase and tHiEF |
Loco Motion | Episode 132: Loco Motion and Amidar |
Looping | Episode 102: Looping and Space Panic |
Lost Tomb | Episode 9: Lost Tomb, Xevious, and Underground Retrocade |
Lunar Lander | Episode 66: Lunar Lander and Red Baron |
Mad Planets | Episode 118: Discs of Tron and Mad Planets |
Major Havoc | Episode 149: Armor.. .. .. ..Attack and Major Havoc |
Make Trax | Episode 54: Bubbles and Make Trax |
Mappy | Episode 48: Mappy and WWF WrestleFest |
Marble Madness | Episode 86: Marble Madness and Domino Man |
Mario Bros. | Episode 8: Joust and Mario Bros. |
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker | Episode 70: Michael Jackson's Moonwalker and Trivial Pursuit |
Mikie | Episode 122: Mikie and Name That Tune |
Millipede | Episode 79: Liberator and Millipede |
Miss World '96 Nude | Episode 25: Puzznic, Lady Killer, and Miss World '96 Nude |
Missile Command | Episode 46: Missile Command and Mouse Trap |
Monster Bash | Episode 141: Ghosts 'n Goblins and Mosnter Bash |
Moon Patrol | Episode 62: Moon Patrol and Rampart |
Mortal Kombat | Episode 3: Zaxxon and Mortal Kombat |
Mouse Trap | Episode 46: Missile Command and Mouse Trap |
Mr. Do! | Episode 16: Tinkle Pit and Mr. Do! |
Mr. Do!'s Castle | Episode 82: Mr. Do!'s Castle and Mr. Do!'s Wild Ride |
Mr. Do!'s Wild Ride | Episode 82: Mr. Do!'s Castle and Mr. Do!'s Wild Ride |
Mr. Driller | Episode 129: Mr. Driller and Dig Dug II |
Ms. Pac-Man | Episode 6: BurgerTime and Ms. Pac-Man |
Munch Mobile | Episode 110: Guzzler and Munch Mobile |
Namco Classic Collection Vol. 1 | Episode 143: Namco Classic Collection |
Namco Classic Collection Vol. 2 | Episode 143: Namco Classic Collection |
Name That Tune | Episode 122: Mikie and Name That Tune |
NBA Jam | Episode 104: NBA Jam and Atari Football |
Nemesis | Episode 29: Galaga and Gradius |
New Rally-X | Episode 92: New Rally-X and Super Xevious |
Nibbler | Episode 42: Nibbler and Rescue |
Omega Race | Episode 36: Omega Race and Tempest |
Out Run | Episode 63: Space Harrier and Out Run |
Pac & Pal | Episode 51: Pac & Pal and Uncle Poo |
Pac-Land | Episode 7: Pac-Land and The Real Ghostbusters |
Pac-Man | Episode 15, Part 1: (part 1) Galloping Ghost Arcade, Space Duel, and Pac-man |
Pac-Man | Episode 15, Part 2: (part 2) Space Duel and Pac-Man |
Pac-Man & Chomp Chomp | Episode 51: Pac & Pal and Uncle Poo |
Pac-Man Plus | Episode 101: Pac-Man Plus and Head On 2 |
Pac-Mania | Episode 44: Dig Dug and Pac-Mania |
Paperboy | Episode 58: The Empire Strikes Back and Paperboy |
Pengo | Episode 19: Pengo and Lady Bug |
Pepper II | Episode 125: Pepper II and Cosmic Chasm |
Peter Pack Rat | Episode 103: Peter Pack Rat and Turtles |
Phoenix | Episode 11: Phoenix and Star Wars |
Phozon | Episode 142: Join 'Em and Phozon |
Pigskin 621 A.D. | Episode 90: Boulder Dash and Pigskin 621 A.D. |
Pirate Pete | Episode 50: Bust-A-Move and Jungle Hunt |
Pole Position | Episode 53: Gauntlet and Pole Position |
Pong | Episode 130: Pong |
Pooyan | Episode 124: Toobin' and Pooyan |
Popeye | Episode 28: Popeye and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles |
Port Man | Episode 134: Port Man and Arkanoid |
Professor Pac-Man | Episode 37: Gorf and Professor Pac-Man |
Punch-Out!! | Episode 95: League Bowling and Punch-Out!! |
Puzzle Bobble | Episode 50: Bust-A-Move and Jungle Hunt |
Puzznic | Episode 25: Puzznic, Lady Killer, and Miss World '96 Nude |
Q*bert | Episode 61: Krull and Q*bert |
Q*bert's Qubes | Episode 89: Q*bert's Qubes and Crater Raider |
Qix | Episode 80: Qix and Quantum |
Quantum | Episode 80: Qix and Quantum |
Raiden | Episode 116: The Legend of Kage and Raiden |
Rally-X | Episode 22: Rally-X and Jr. Pac-Man |
Rampage | Episode 26: Xenophobe and Rampage |
Rampart | Episode 62: Moon Patrol and Rampart |
Reactor | Episode 81: Reactor and Aliens |
Red Baron | Episode 66: Lunar Lander and Red Baron |
Rescue | Episode 42: Nibbler and Rescue |
Return of the Jedi | Episode 76: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and Return of the Jedi |
Revolution X | Episode 17: Revolution X and Journey |
Rip Off | Episode 59: Crossbow and Rip Off |
Road Runner | Episode 32: The Simpsons and Road Runner |
Robocop | Episode 52: Robocop and Smash T.V. |
Robotron 2084 | Episode 35: Robotron 2084 and Defender |
S.T.U.N. Runner | Episode 133: S.T.U.N. Runner and Hard Drivin' |
Satan's Hollow | Episode 27: Satan's Hollow and Tron |
Scramble | Episode 33: Frenzy and Scramble |
SF-Hisplitter | Episode 87: Arm Wrestling and SF-Hisplitter |
Silk Worm | Episode 137: Super Cobra and Silk Worm |
Simpsons, The | Episode 32: The Simpsons and Road Runner |
Sinistar | Episode 39: Bagman and Sinistar |
Smash T.V. | Episode 52: Robocop and Smash T.V. |
Snake Pit | Episode 131: Snake Pit and Wacko |
Solar Fox | Episode 107: Solar Fox and Blueprint |
Space Duel | Episode 15, Part 1: (part 1) Galloping Ghost Arcade, Space Duel, and Pac-man |
Space Duel | Episode 15, Part 2: (part 2) Space Duel and Pac-Man |
Space Encounters | Episode 85: Space Encounters and Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom |
Space Fury | Episode 113: Space Fury and Tac/Scan |
Space Harrier | Episode 63: Space Harrier and Out Run |
Space Invaders | Episode 40: Stratovox and Space Invaders |
Space Panic | Episode 102: Looping and Space Panic |
Space Zap | Episode 115: Astro Invader and Space Zap |
Speed Buggy | Episode 144: Buggy Boy and X-Men |
Splat! | Episode 128: Three Stooges and Splat! |
Spy Hunter | Episode 49: Spy Hunter and Vanguard |
Star Castle | Episode 97: Star Castle and Super Breakout |
Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator | Episode 65: Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator and Galaxian |
Star Wars | Episode 11: Phoenix and Star Wars |
Stocker | Episode 147: Stocker and Flicky |
Stratovox | Episode 40: Stratovox and Space Invaders |
SubRoc-3D | Episode 138: Front Line and SubRoc-3D |
Super Breakout | Episode 97: Star Castle and Super Breakout |
Super Cobra | Episode 137: Super Cobra and Silk Worm |
Super Mario World | Episode 56: a coupla Nintendo titles! |
Super Pac-Man | Episode 75: APB and Super Pac-Man |
Super Xevious | Episode 92: New Rally-X and Super Xevious |
Super Zaxxon | Episode 30: Super Zaxxon and Asteroids DeLuxe |
Tac/Scan | Episode 113: Space Fury and Tac/Scan |
Tapper | Episode 20: Tapper and Food Fight |
Targ | Episode 34: The Adventures of Robby Roto! and Targ |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | Episode 28: Popeye and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles |
Tempest | Episode 36: Omega Race and Tempest |
Terminator 2: Judgment Day | Episode 5: Commando and Terminator 2: Judgment Day |
Tetris | Episode 88: Columns and Tetris |
The Real Ghostbusters | Episode 7: Pac-Land and The Real Ghostbusters |
tHiEF | Episode 64: Lock'n Chase and tHiEF |
Three Stooges | Episode 128: Three Stooges and Splat! |
Timber | Episode 38: Do! Run Run and Timber |
Time Pilot | Episode 14: Dragon's Lair and Time Pilot |
Tinkle Pit | Episode 16: Tinkle Pit and Mr. Do! |
Toobin' | Episode 124: Toobin' and Pooyan |
Toypop | Episode 123: Bubble Bobble and Toypop |
Track & Field | Episode 43: Track & Field and Arch Rivals |
Trivial Pursuit | Episode 70: Michael Jackson's Moonwalker and Trivial Pursuit |
Tron | Episode 27: Satan's Hollow and Tron |
Turbo | Episode 73: Turbo and I, Robot |
Turkey Shoot | Episode 117: Turkey Shoot and Chiller |
Turtles | Episode 103: Peter Pack Rat and Turtles |
Tutankham | Episode 72: Tutankham and Wizard of Wor |
Two Tigers | Episode 57: Two Tigers and 1942 |
Uncle Poo | Episode 51: Pac & Pal and Uncle Poo |
Vanguard | Episode 49: Spy Hunter and Vanguard |
Vindicators | Episode 135: Assault and Vindicators |
Wacko | Episode 131: Snake Pit and Wacko |
Warlords | Episode 105: Warlords and Circus |
Willow | Episode 98: Willow and Dragon Spirit |
Wizard of Wor | Episode 72: Tutankham and Wizard of Wor |
WWF WrestleFest | Episode 48: Mappy and WWF WrestleFest |
X-Men | Episode 144: Buggy Boy and X-Men |
Xenophobe | Episode 26: Xenophobe and Rampage |
Xevious | Episode 9: Lost Tomb, Xevious, and Underground Retrocade |
Xybots | Episode 93: Xybots and Escape From the Planet of the Robot Monsters |
Zaxxon | Episode 3: Zaxxon and Mortal Kombat |
Zero Wing | Episode 127: Bad Dudes Vs. DragonNinja and Zero Wing |
Zoo Keeper | Episode 2: Zoo Keeper and Firefox |