Pie Factory Podcast banner
Pie Factory Podcast banner
Hosts: Jimmy G and Sean
Music performed by: Scattered Frog
"Love Theme From 'Addenda and Errata'" composed by Jim Goebel
"The Happy L," "Feedback in A," "PlaidMouse's Tune," and "The Happy CTA Holiday Train"
composed by Sean Courtney
These people are AWESOME:
Ferg Daniel Chaves PlaidMouse Dean Schmidt Retro Game Club Podcast Mike "HatNJ" Kurt Musgrave Absolutley the Best Podcast James Tinmouth SNES Podcast PJ Steele Richard Valdez Christian Williams Rory Coleman Mark Super Timmy Mack Nate Lockhart Craig Schober Keith Sheehan Atari Bytes Dee Alex Underground Retrocade
About The Hosts · About Jimmy G · About Sean · Credits

Sean is a lifelong Libra and a web developer. (And that he also developed this site proves that programmers just can't design.)

His first console was an Atari 2600, a Christmas present in 1982; he still plays 2600 games to this day. At various times Sean has owned an Atari 5200, Intellivision, and various Amiga models. He now owns three Atari 7800s and, revisiting systems from his childhood, a Commodore 64 and Vectrex. He has held several top scores on Twin Galaxies.

Sean lives in Chicago and is an avid music fan; ask him about the time he shook hands with Brian Wilson or testified in a Mike Love lawsuit.

photo of Sean at Powell's City of Books in Portland, Oregon. He appears to be deeply into the book he has in his hands. The book is called What Canadians Think.
About The Hosts · About Jimmy G · About Sean · Credits

Jimmy G is a lifelong resident of the SW Chicago suburbs. He's pretty old, and getting older, but still feels like he's 27.

At one time or another, he's owned every Atari game console, except the Jaguar. Currently Jim has an Atari 2600, 7800, 65XE, Intellivision, CollectorVision Phoenix, Wii, Wii U, several Nintendo DS units, and a Sega Master System.

Jim also enjoys cheesy B films, Mystery Science Theater 3000, Monty Python, bicycle riding (his top distance is 100 miles in one ride), hiking, collecting road maps, and talking about himself in the third person.

photo of Jim, looking proud, in front of a monitor displaying the original Pie Factory Podcast web site
About The Hosts · About Jimmy G · About Sean · Credits

Jim and Sean, shown here discussing which games they'll look up on Wikipedia research diligently so they can have an intelligent discussion on the next episode, try to fulfill their mission to make Tinkle Pit a household name.

In each episode, Sean and Jim discuss two (2) classic arcade games and reveal a common theme. Because they're also longtime classic console gamers, the hosts often give a home gamer's perspective on the games they discuss. (And because both are from the Chicago area, there's a bit of provinciality as well.)

Oh...and did we mention...Tinkle Pit ?